Auto stats for Auto reset
Mu Online Auto Reset and Auto stats commands
Reset auto and Auto stats function for mu online afk play!
When activated free level up points are auto-distributed with respect of defined rules
Display Help info: /autostat
Display status or disable: /autostat off
Setup auto-adding: /autostat
free_points: Minimum number of free level up points on character to run stats distribution
strengt: Percent of free level up points that will go to strength
agility: Percent of free level up points that will go to agility
vitality: Percent of free level up points that will go to vitality
energy: Percent of free level up points that will go to energy
command: Percent of free level up points that will go to command
Sum of all percentages must be lower or equal 100. Setting below 100 will leave some level up points undistributed
AutoStatCMD = /autostat
Example: /autostat 25000 20 19 25 11 0
Where: 25000 stat ammont you want to distribute (free stats to add)
Where: 20 - Percent of those 9999 to add on Strenght
Where: 19 - Percent OF those 9999 to add on Agility
Where: 25 - Percent OF those 9999 to add on Vitality
Where: 11 - Percent OF those 9999 to add on Energy
Where: 0 - Percent OF those 9999 to add on Command
Command is Dark Lord stat possition, other classes must leave it as: 0
In game it will look like:
- 20% from 25000 on Strenght= 5000 points
- 19% from 25000 on Agility = 4750 points
- 25% from 25000 on Vitality = 6250 points
- 11% from 25000 on Energy = 2750 points
- 0% from 25000 on Command = 0 points
Published by Admin 02/09/2024