BattleMu Season 20 X1000

BattleMu Project X1000 Opening 29.November

This is a new Mu Online long-term gaming project! Server is build on the latest Season 20 Part 1 Server files with lots of customs to make the game long-term!
Exciting PVE from first resets till maximum stats 32000


Opening Friday 29.November 17.00 GMT+2
17:00 (GMT +2) East Europe
23:00 (UTC +7) SouthEast Asia
11:00 (UTC -3) South America

Version: Season 20 Part 1-2
Max Level: 400
Max ML: 1300
Experience: 1000x / 1000x / 1000x
Resets: 400lvl /reset in game, Stats burns, Moves back to lorencia

Grand reset: From 500 Reset, Stats, Resets burns, reward: 25000 Wcoins, 250'000 RUUD

Regular points per level: 5/7
Master points per level: 2
Majestic points per level: 1

Max connections: 10 per IP
Chaos Machine 15: 100%
Opening gift type: /gift

Medals: Exc items, 10% Chance for FO items
Box of luck: Random jewels
Mithril fragments: All top maps
Goblin Treasure box: All top maps
Mysterious Stone: All top maps
Golden Sentance: All top maps
Artifact Enchantment Stone: All top maps
Spider Artifact Fragment: All top maps
Uriel's Feather: All top maps
Ability Crystal: All top maps
Wing Core Reinforcement Stone: All top maps

Wings 2lvl: Icarus random drop
3rd Wings: 10% Chance drop Red icarus Elites
All pets drops randomly ALL maps

Extra Reset rewards: to claim use commands: /reset1 /reset5 /reset10 etc...
Reset1: Red Fenrir + Lucky set lvl1 (+15)
Reset5: 2 LvL random Wings Box
Reset10: Ghost Horse +0
Reset50: 1x Jewel Of Level +1x Jewel of FO
Reset100: 100k Ruud Box
Reset200: Rage Earrings +15
Reset300: BloodString Lyra +15
Reset400: +11 4th Wing Voucher
Reset500: 5th Wings Relic

Reset in game: /reset 20Wcoins 5000 ruud, Stats burns! Reset limit 500, max 200resets per day! After reset auto move character to lorencia! 
Max stats: 32700
Regular points per level: 5/7
Master points per level: 2
Majestic points per level: 1
Achievements system: Earn VIP1 + 5000Wcoins for free with doing achvievements

Chaos machine for leveling up items to +11= 100% Succes rate!

Happy Hour exp: Morning 8-9 Evening 20-21 Server time
All top bosses respawn every 2hours!
Golden invasion Every 1hour!

  • Socket Weapons +15 +5sockets extra: Auto combo chance 5%
  • 5th Wings +15 extra: 400% Elemental damage +1'000'000 HP
  • Apocalypse Weapoms items +15 extra: Critical/Double Damage

Resetting stats ingame, commands: example /decstr 11
Make perfect build, rebuild stats
Decrease Strenght points = /decstr
Decrease Agility points = /decagi
Decrease Vitality points = /decvit
Decrease Energy points = /decene
Decrease Command points = /deccmd

  • /npc To Open shop npc, to sell or buy
  • /store To Open vault
  • /evo Evolve quests
  • /addstats Add stats automaticaly evenly

Party: Get more experience with bigger parties: 5Unique characters in party (Gold party) gets the highest exp bonus.

Published by BattleMu 24/11/2024