New Map

New battle mu online season 20 update! To play run launcher to get latest update!

Added Grand Reset in website
Added new items Xshop for Goblin Points for longterm fun
Fixed Alchemist ruud items creation
Added locked excellent options on new ruud item creation (FO item will stay FO)
Fixed Alchemist Orb and Wand in Ruud Shop
Dropping artifact item invalid Artifact option in certain scenario
Alchemist's fifth wings did not display correctly in certain game scenes
Corrected party exp was too high in certain scenario



BattleMu Project X1000 Opening 29.November

This is a new Mu Online long-term gaming project! Server is build on the latest Season 20 Part 1 Server files with lots of customs to make the game long-term!
Exciting PVE from first resets till maximum stats 32000


Opening Friday 29.November 17.00 GMT+2
17:00 (GMT +2) East Europe
23:00 (UTC +7) SouthEast Asia
11:00 (UTC -3) South America

Version: Season 20 Part 1-2
Max Level: 400
Max ML: 1300
Experience: 1000x / 1000x / 1000x
Resets: 400lvl /reset in game, Stats burns, Moves back to lorencia

Grand reset: From 500 Reset, Stats, Resets burns, reward: 25000 Wcoins, 250'000 RUUD

Regular points per level: 5/7
Master points per level: 2
Majestic points per level: 1

Max connections: 10 per IP
Chaos Machine 15: 100%
Opening gift type: /gift

Medals: Exc items, 10% Chance for FO items
Box of luck: Random jewels
Mithril fragments: All top maps
Goblin Treasure box: All top maps
Mysterious Stone: All top maps
Golden Sentance: All top maps
Artifact Enchantment Stone: All top maps
Spider Artifact Fragment: All top maps
Uriel's Feather: All top maps
Ability Crystal: All top maps
Wing Core Reinforcement Stone: All top maps

Wings 2lvl: Icarus random drop
3rd Wings: 10% Chance drop Red icarus Elites
All pets drops randomly ALL maps

Extra Reset rewards: to claim use commands: /reset1 /reset5 /reset10 etc...
Reset1: Red Fenrir + Lucky set lvl1 (+15)
Reset5: 2 LvL random Wings Box
Reset10: Ghost Horse +0
Reset50: 1x Jewel Of Level +1x Jewel of FO
Reset100: 100k Ruud Box
Reset200: Rage Earrings +15
Reset300: BloodString Lyra +15
Reset400: +11 4th Wing Voucher
Reset500: 5th Wings Relic

Reset in game: /reset 20Wcoins 5000 ruud, Stats burns! Reset limit 500, max 200resets per day! After reset auto move character to lorencia! 
Max stats: 32700
Regular points per level: 5/7
Master points per level: 2
Majestic points per level: 1
Achievements system: Earn VIP1 + 5000Wcoins for free with doing achvievements

Chaos machine for leveling up items to +11= 100% Succes rate!

Happy Hour exp: Morning 8-9 Evening 20-21 Server time
All top bosses respawn every 2hours!
Golden invasion Every 1hour!

  • Socket Weapons +15 +5sockets extra: Auto combo chance 5%
  • 5th Wings +15 extra: 400% Elemental damage +1'000'000 HP
  • Apocalypse Weapoms items +15 extra: Critical/Double Damage

Resetting stats ingame, commands: example /decstr 11
Make perfect build, rebuild stats
Decrease Strenght points = /decstr
Decrease Agility points = /decagi
Decrease Vitality points = /decvit
Decrease Energy points = /decene
Decrease Command points = /deccmd

  • /npc To Open shop npc, to sell or buy
  • /store To Open vault
  • /evo Evolve quests
  • /addstats Add stats automaticaly evenly

Party: Get more experience with bigger parties: 5Unique characters in party (Gold party) gets the highest exp bonus.